Traditionally the education institutions have owned the degrees for which they certified a student. A degree earned in a field derived its
MoreThis year, India will introduce a unified driving license format throughout different states. No more trying to convince a cop that your license
MoreThe word police originated from SpringVerify, we have processes that help organizations in
MoreIndia is among an elite club of nations who have a central digital identity system — Aadhaar. And with it, India is slated
MoreSpringRole is now Springworks. Here’s why
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TL;DRThe SpringRole name doesn’t accurately define the scope and ambition of products, tools and services that we are building to simplify recruiting
MorePassport Verification Using MRZ
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“Of all the books in the World, the best stories are found between the pages of a passport.” — Unknown The earliest reference of
MoreAddress check along with identity check is a crucial verification criterion for any service provider. There are address documents which could be
Morehuman on Earth in numbers. Impressive, isn’t it? There is a race by digital wallet companies around India to conduct KYC for every
MoreTalk to the candidate if there happens a red flag during the background check — you would amaze…
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The true charity is not giving bread or money, but providing employment. — Ilkin Santak From all the quotes out there on employment, this one
MoreYour household help could be helpful or could contribute towards you needing help! Let me start by stating the obvious here. Most