How to Avoid WFH Burnout

7 Effective Ideas to Help Beat WFH Blues

We might always be remote workers at heart but we still know that working from home is not the easiest always. It has it’s own set of cons – be it loneliness, lack of productivity, no physical activity, etc.

And we know that if we don’t focus on sorting this out, it can impact our work and results.

So, today we will share a few tips to avoid WFH burnout.

Tips for Avoiding Work From Home Burnout

Here are some strategies for managing stress in the workplace during WFH.

1. Follow a Routine

If you have a meeting at 10:00 AM, it does not mean you start your day at 09:45 AM. Leave your bed on time, stop being lethargic, and follow a routine. That is the only way to keep your mental and physical health unharmed

2. Switch Yourself On 

If you’ve ever worked from office, your everyday commute from home to the office probably used to switch your brain ‘on.’ That was your ‘me time’ when you could read a book, listen to your favorite podcast or music, or watch an episode of your favorite show. 

So, if you too are missing that part of your day, start commuting. No, not to your workplace but to the park.

Yes, you read it right. 

Go for a 10-minute brisk walk or a 30-minute bicycle ride. Or maybe, just sit in the backyard to bask in the sun. These ways are better to switch your brain ‘on’ than caffeine.

3. Say NO 

If you want to help your team beat WFH burnout, then start saying NO to a few things. For instance: 

  • Say NO to Zoom meetings if you can manage with a regular call. 
  • Say NO to the office work on a weekend or holiday. 
  • Say Not Right Now if someone asks you to dig into something after office hours. Keep it parked for the next day instead. 
  • Finally, say NO to work video calls if it is manageable with an audio call. 

4. Time for yourself

Ask anyone about tips to avoid WFH burnout, and you will get this one response for sure. Take out time for yourself. Yes. It is a must when you are struggling with managing stress while working from home. 

Pick up a hobby and make use of the winters. Consider painting or capturing nature into your camera, creating dog portraits on canvas, playing an instrument to surprise your family on Christmas, or baking fortune cookies for them on New Year’s Eve. 

Recommended Read: How To Set and Maintain Healthy Work-Life Balance While Working Remotely [Updated]

5. Breakfast vs. Brunch 

Let’s admit it. WFH has forced us into a culture where we skip breakfast and go for brunch. Some of us even end up snacking on our workstations, often eliminating the concept of a meal plan.  

This approach is convenient, but everything convenient is not good. Let’s not be slothful and follow a proper meal plan. You need to give yourself hundreds and thousands of reasons to go to the kitchen and do the meal preps. 

6. Bucket List 

Signs of burnout in the workplace include sleeplessness, excessive stress, moodiness, etc. To avoid these signs, you need to keep your mind occupied with non-work things. Prepare a bucket list for yourself. 

Make a note of fun and relaxing things you want to do, be it reading books or learning to ride a bike. Pick up hobbies like pottery or crochet. And put a deadline for achieving them. 

So, what are you thinking? Make your bucket list right now. 

7. Power Saver Mode

With so many ideas and loads of tasks, don’t you think you need to plan your work a bit smartly? 


With global teams and flexible work hours, you can start your day a little early. This strategy will allow you to wrap up on time and get a slot for things you want to do.  Avoid unnecessary discussions and keep yourself away from those distracting and tempting browsing habits to save time and energy.

Make the best use of engagement solutions

Use engagement and team bonding ideas which will bring light to boring winter work days. Specifically using tools like Trivia for this purpose can help. Small, engaging games can give employees the productivity and motivation to work for the rest of the day.

Final Thoughts

We know that lazing around and basking in the sun with your favorite drink and music is comfortable.

But a healthy mind and body are all you need to keep yourself and your loved ones happy and safe. Therefore, we think you have to take care of yourself in the first place. 

These strategies are all tiny ways to keep your sanity intact. So if you know something that keeps you and your family content, do not waste time and just go for it!

Recommended Resource: The Ultimate Guide to Remote Work In 2021

Pawan Kumar

I'm a Content Marketer at Springworks. I've been featured in many reputed publications and online magazines! I'm an avid reader and movie buff. Let's connect on Social Media.

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