Time Management Skills for Managers

13 Proven Time Management Skills for Managers In 2023

If you’re a manager and you’re working hard to keep your team on track by meeting deadlines, this article is for you! It’s worth noting that it’s not just about “managing time” – it’s also about managing how you spend your time.

It can be easy to forget the difference between the two, so we break down some of the most important time management skills for managers wanting to get more done in less time.

What is Time Management?

Time management for supervisors or managers will provide them with enough time for everything you need to do without feeling stressed or overwhelmed. It’s about developing the skills that enable you to use your time more efficiently, with less procrastination or wasted effort.

Managing time as a manager is a skill that every manager, especially the busy ones, should master. Having so many tasks and responsibilities can be overwhelming at times. But there are always ways to make time for everything you need to do.

With these tips on how to manage your time more effectively, you will feel less stressed about the numerous tasks you must accomplish each day, and you will also gain more free time on your hands!

Read More: A Manager’s Guide to Improve Communication Skills at Work

Importance of Developing Key Time Management Skills

You must be wondering why time management is important for managers. It is because managers often have a heavy workload. Therefore, they must manage their time effectively to balance their personal and professional lives. When one manages their time well, they become more productive and efficient.

Each task requirement is clearly understood, and it is planned accordingly. It also improves both time and performance. If you are confused about managing time as a manager, the below strategies will surely help you. 

13 Key Time Management Skills for Managers

1. Discover the cause of your busyness & your productivity pattern 

To be productive, you must first understand why you are busy. It’s simple: the more time you spend on routine tasks, the less time you have for important tasks that will propel your company forward. First, determine which activities are unnecessary and eliminate them immediately. Then, try to evaluate your work and make improvements where possible.

2. Fine-tune your priorities by setting goals

You’re just spinning your wheels if you don’t set goals for yourself. In fact, without goals, most people have no idea where they are going or what they want to achieve.

It’s easy to become overwhelmed by the never-ending list of tasks we have to complete every day. The key is to prioritize. 

3. Prioritize your tasks

Have you ever felt like your day is over before it’s finished? Then, you look at the clock and realize that you’ve spent most of today on less crucial tasks. 

It might sound silly, but prioritizing your tasks is the best way to get more done on any given day. It allows you to get through all of your daily tasks. If you want to be successful, you’ve got to know your priorities and stick to them. 

4. Handling distractions

Many distractions may come up when you’re trying to get your tasks done. You have to learn how to set boundaries and not allow distractions to overtake you. One of the most important things is to learn how to manage your time so that when a distraction comes up, you know how best to handle it to get your work done.

5. Keep a record of your activities

Many people struggle with time management and waste time thinking about the time management skills for managers. It’s tough to stick to a schedule because you might overestimate or underestimate how long a task will take. As a result, you must track or record your activities.

Write down your most common tasks. Once you understand what each task requires, you can create an accurate schedule to make the process more efficient.

6. Find out what makes it easier for you to concentrate

People are always looking for ways to improve their productivity. One way to do this is by finding out what makes it easier for you to concentrate. For example, some people find it easy to concentrate better when they work in a busy coffee shop, while others prefer the quiet of their home office.

The list of tips goes on and on, but each person needs to experiment and figure out what works best for them.

7. Make use of peak energy hours

Analyze your energy hours and make the most of them by scheduling your most important tasks during that time. Understanding and utilizing your productivity patterns are the basis of effective time management for leaders.

8. Set aside time for your team

When you’re trying to increase your productivity, don’t forget about your team. You will need to communicate with them, provide feedback, and assist them in growing professionally. As a result, team bonding is critical to time management for project managers. It is because well-groomed teams can complete the projects in a stipulated time.

In addition, conducting one-on-one meetings with your team members allows you to learn about their strengths and weaknesses, which helps you delegate a given task.

9. Take charge of your schedule

People will be able to schedule meetings, interviews, and other events if your calendar is empty. Although you may be required to participate in some, you can do so on your terms. Therefore, it’s always a good idea to set aside some time for your activities and leave some time for others to schedule meetings, etc. Here are some calendar management practices to improve your productivity

10. Understand your own and your teammates’ workloads

We now have our goals and priorities in order, but you must ensure that you and your team have enough work for the day. It should not be that you or your employees are overworked, nor should they be underutilized. A few software tracking tools can help you track your and your teammates’ schedules for increased productivity.

For example, if you feel overburdened, you can delegate a specific task to a teammate who has a relatively less workload ahead of time.

11. Completing related tasks together

It is more likely that you will have a list of tasks to complete on any given day. To complete them on time, group similar or related tasks together, which will help you to stay focused and alert. This will assist you in keeping all of your tasks organized and prevent mental exhaustion.

12. Take Small Breaks

We all feel energized and productive, and we appear to have all the ideas we need to complete the assigned task, but unfortunately, this does not last the entire day. After a few hours, you become exhausted and unfocused. That is when you should take a short break.

Taking short breaks between tasks is a recommended tip related to time management for leaders as it keeps them focussed. Taking small breaks allows you to concentrate for more extended periods.

13. Reflecting on your progress

Reflecting on progress is a great way to see how you’ve strengthened your time management skills over time. It’s also a good way to use the skills you’ve learned to reflect on how well they worked for you. It can be hard to identify our mistakes, but this exercise will help you pinpoint what skills are or aren’t working for you.

Once you can see where your weak points are, it’ll be easier to work on them and strengthen your time management skills.


The above points might have resolved your queries about why time management is important for managers. One of the most important skills that any manager must have is time management. Here we shared with you some time management skills for managers, which are often overlooked.

Using these skills to be more effective and efficient with your time is essential. It’s a skill that doesn’t come without hard work, but it will help you be more successful in all aspects of your life.

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