HR policy templates

HR Policy Templates to Help Your Startup Grow

We have created a one-stop solution to reduce 90% of your hard work when it comes to creating policies for your organization.


In this resource page, you will find HR policy templates where all you have to do is copy, paste, and add your company details- how much more convenient can it get?

Anti-Sexual Harassment Policy

This policy is mandatory for strict prohibition of any sort of unwelcome physical contact, demand for sexual favours or passing remarks around it. It ensures that people who are victim to any such situations can call for strict actions against the person found guilty.

Workplace harassment policy Sample

Sample Sexual Harassment Policy

Anti-Sexual Harassment Policy

Workplace Bullying Policy

Workplace bullying includes physical or verbal acts that might hurt or isolate a person. In order to prevent it, you need to have a mandatory policy against the same.

Workplace Bullying Policy Template

Workplace Anti-Bullying Policy

Workplace Violence Policy

Anti Discrimination Policy

This policy is a step towards ensuring that no employees face discrimination on the basis of “race, colour, sex, language, religion, demographic, economic, social situation, etc.”

Nondiscrimination/ Anti-Harassment Policy

Anti-discrimination policy

Anti-Discrimination Template

Attendance and punctuality policy

Employees are expected to reach on a time and days specified by the organization. This policy does not include the paid time-offs provided by the company.

Workplace Attendance Policy

Employee Attendance Policy

Time and Attendance Policy

Bring your own device policy

Some organizations prefer employees bringing /using their own devices for work purposes. Hence, they need to create their Bring your own Device policy. 

Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Policy

Bring Your Own Device Policy Sample

Sample BYOD Policy Template

Cash handling policy

In order to prevent theft within the company, you need to create a cash handling policy which lays down standard expectations to be matched by employees when it comes to handling company’s cash. 

Theft & Cash Handling Policy

Cash Handling Policy Template

Cash Handling Procedures Template

Child labour policy

Laws against child labour call for strict actions when breached. Child labour occurs when children under the age of 12 are made to work. Not only organizations, but every individual, should take a stance against it.

Company Child labor policy

child or forced labour Policy

Child Labor Policy Template

Code of conduct policy

One of the most common policies around organization, code of conduct talks about the company principles, values, expectations from the employees in terms of work ethics and standards.

Employee Code of Conduct Policy

Code of Conduct Company Policy

Code of Ethics and Business Conduct

Company sick leave policy

It is obvious that this policy is also mandatory in every organization. Every employee is entitled to taking paid time off when they are unwell. These kinds of leaves are known as sick leaves and organizations fix a number of time-off to offer per year. 

Sick Leave Policy Template

Sample company sick leave policy

Paid Sick Leave Policy Template

Computer use policy

How to use the computer and other work-related devices and equipment correctly? To explain this to your employees, you have to create an effective computer use policy. This should include everything- from when to take consent to what to do if stolen/lost/misused.

Sample Computer Use Policy

Use Of Company Equipment

Computer Use Policy Template

Conflict of interest

Create a policy which effectively discusses what to do in conflict situation, and how both the employers and the employees are responsible for resolving it.

Employee conflict of interest policy

Conflict of Interest Policy Template

Conflict of Interest Policy Template

Contractor policy

This one is specifically designed to cater to outsourced workers. When you reach out to a third party instead of an employee, the perks you offer, the procedure, etc., changes. 

Contractor Management Policy

Contractor Policies and Procedures

Contractor Management Policy

Corporate Social Responsibility

As evident by the name itself, corporate social responsibility means contributions made by a business towards the social good.

Corporate social responsibility policy

Corporate Social Responsibility Template

Corporate Social Responsibility Policy​

Diversity and inclusion

All sections, caste, religions, gender of different employees should be welcomed, respected, and treated equally. Hence, in order for employees to abide by these rules, it is important to have a D&I policy set-up within the workplace.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Policy

Equality, diversity and inclusion policy

Diversity and Inclusion Policy Template

Dress code policy

Many organizations have rules around how they want their employees to be dressed. A dress code policy includes everything- from how to dress, who does this policy apply to, and what if someone violates it.

Dress Code Policy Template

Employee Dress Code policy

Company Dress Code Policy

Drug testing

Create an entire drug testing policy which states the need for random drug testing in the workplace and how the entire procedure will be conducted.

Drug testing policy

Random Drug-Testing Policy

Sample Drug Testing Policy

Employee business expense reimbursement

Employees might have to make any work-related expenses while doing their tasks. Ideally, the organization should take responsibility for those expenses.

Business Expense Reimbursement Policy

Employee Expense Reimbursement Policy

Employee Expense Reimbursement Policy Template

Employee referral policy

Organizations offer a referral bonus when an employee successfully brings in a right fit for an open position. This bonus can vary based on company, role, and more. 

Employee Referral Program Policy

Employee referral program template

Employee Referral Program Procedures

Workplace Relationship Policy

While a company cannot prevent friendships or romantic relationships between the employees, they often create certain guidelines around it. The purpose of the same is to ensure a strict and fair line between personal engagements and professional responsibilities.

Employee Dating Policy Template

workplace romance policy

Sample Employee Dating Policy

Employee remote work policy

As more and more companies have switched to being permanently remote/hybrid, they need a new set of detailed guidelines for this different way of functioning and conducting tasks. 

Employee remote work policy template

Company Remote Work Policy Template

Telecommuting Policy and Procedure Template

Employee smoking policy

Companies need to keep their workplace smoking-free to: Protect non-smokers from passive smoking, create a clean workplace, and avoid possibilities of fire

Smoke Free Workplace Policy Template

Sample Tobacco-free Workplace Policy

Smoke and Vape-Free Workplace Policy

Employee theft policy

If employees are using anything that belongs to the workplace, they are bound to return it timely and in a fit condition. This policy should be used for prevention of thefts of these belongings by the employees and strict actions to be taken if anyone attempts to violate it.

Sample Employee Theft Policy Template

Employee Theft Prevention Policies

Fraud And Theft Prevention Policy

Employee confidentiality

This policy talks about how employees should handle confidential information and what are the actions that would be taken in case of the violation for this act.

Employee confidentiality policy

Confidentiality Agreement Template

Confidentiality Policy Template

Environmental policy

Organizations should take necessary steps to reduce their impact on the environment. An environment policy consists of steps that the organization would take in order to do the same.

Sample Environmental Policy Statement

Environmental Sustainability Policy Template

Sample Environmental Policy Template

Exit interview

Your employees are the face of your company. They represent you! When an employee resigns from the company, it is important to know why they made this decision and what they now feel about the company.

Employee Exit Interview Policy

Sample exit interview policy/procedure

Exit Interview Policy Template

Gift policy

No employee can accept personal monetary benefits/gifts from an existing/potential client. Gifts to all employees under a reasonable value can be accepted.

Policy for Receipt of Gifts

Corporate Gifting Policy Template

Gift Acceptance Policy

Grievance policy

This policy covers how an employee raises and puts forward their complaints in a healthy manner

Grievance procedure company policy

Grievance Procedure Policy Template

Sample Grievance Policy

Hiring policy

This policy determines the recruitment procedure of new candidates within the organization- from whether to hire externally or internally, platforms to find candidates, selection stages, and more.

Hiring Policy and Procedures

Recruitment and Selection Policy Sample

Recruitment Policy Template

Internal Job Posting

This policy ensures that any open vacancies are posted internally before externally. The idea is to give employees the opportunity to grow in their career and pursue their passions.

Internal job posting policy Template

Internal Job Posting (IJP) Policy

Job Posting Policy: General

Internet and email policy for employees

The internet/email usage is mandatory for employees to establish connections and handle work processes. The internet and email policy for employees determines the extent to which employees can use these measures and the procedure of using it.

Email and Internet workplace policies

Internet and Email Usage Policy Template

Employee Internet Usage Policy

IT Cyber Security

This policy states the guidelines for securing and preserving the data and technology systems of the organization. Every organization has important data and information that needs to be protected by any sort of leakage, fraud, etc.

Company cyber security policy template

IT & Cyber Security Policy Templates

Cyber Security Policy Template

Job Rotation Policy

Job rotation is necessary for giving employees a space to explore themselves and their passions. hence, this template decides the procedure for employees who want to transfer their departments within their organization.

Job Rotation Policy Template

Job Rotation Policy

Job Rotation Policy Procedure

Leave policy

The leave policy ensures a reasonable amount of days for recreation and time-offs for the employees every year. Therefore, a certain number of casual and sick leaves are mandatory in every organization.

Company Leave Policy Template

Leave Policy for Employees

Sample company sick leave policy

Parental Leave

Parental leave policies provide a reasonable amount of time-offs to women and men employees expecting a child. Therefore, these leaves are necessary to bond and take care of their kids.

Sample maternity leave policy

Maternity Leave Policy Template

Paid Parental Leave Policy Template

Occupational workplace health safety

Your workplace should follow the most hygienic practices and offer the best working conditions to the employees. The policy should cover all legal standards to create a healthy and safe workplace. 

Occupational / Workplace health and safety policy

Workplace Health & Safety Policy Template

Work Health and Safety Policy

Payroll Advance policy

This policy ensures early payments to your employees in some cases as a short-term loan.

Payroll Advance policy

Salary Advance Policy

Pay Advances Policy Template

Payroll Appraisal And Salary Review

This policy covers all stages of an employee’s performance appraisal– from planning, discussing, and reviewing. For example, it includes transfers, salary raises, and more.

Employee performance review policy template

Performance and Salary Review Policy

Performance Appraisal Policy and Procedures

Pets in the workplace policy

Organizations often allow employees to bring in their pets and take care of them within the workplace. This policy covers the do’s and dont’s of the same.

Pets in the workplace company policy

Dogs in the Workplace Policy Template

Office Pet Policy Template

Travel policy

Your employees might have to travel to different places due to work-related tasks. And ideally, it is the responsibility of the organization to reimburse/pay for these travel expenses.

Travel Expense Policy

Company travel policy Template

Travel and Expense Policy

Notice Period

While the aim is to retain your employees, often for some particular reason, resignation is inevitable. After an employee resigns, there is a set of particular rules and guidelines to be followed.

Employee resignation policy template

Resignation Policy Template

Employee Resignation Policy Template

Probation and confirmation

Every employee’s first few months of employment are probationary. Here, the company analyzes their performance and then confirms their role. Hence, every organization needs a policy to cover the regulations of the probation period. 

Employee Probationary Period Policy

Probation and Confirmation Policy

Probation Confirmation Policy

Rewards and recognition

If employees do not get the recognition they deserve, they will not remain motivated for long. The key ingredient to effective employee retention and dedication is to make them feel valued and recognized for their contributions. This recognition can either be monetary or a simple pat on the back.

Rewards and Recognition Policy

Rewards and Recognition Policy

Employee Recognition and Reward Policy

Separation policy

A separation policy ensures that the termination of an employee is done with full clarity and zero disputes.

Separation of Employment Policy Sample

Separation Policy Procedure

Separation of Employment Policy

Social Media Policy

Along with your company’s social media, it is probable that whatever your employees post from their own social media accounts can pose a threat to the company and its image. Hence, this policy prevents any such situations.

Company social media policy for employees

Social Media Policy Template

social media policy For employees

Whistleblower policy

A whistleblower is a person who reports any sorts of violations or misbehavior within the organization. This policy covers the protection offered to the whistleblower in terms of confidentiality and against retaliation.

Whistleblower Policy

Sample Whistleblower Policy

Whistleblower Policy Template

Transport Policy

This policy ensures transport facilities to employees especially when they are working late or having early shifts for their safety and convenience.

Transport Policy Template

Company car policy sample

Company Vehicle Usage Policy

Violence at workplace

This policy makes employees aware about what workplace violence is and additionally to encourage them to report any early signs or threats.

Violence in the workplace policy

Workplace Violence Policy Template

Violence in the Workplace Policy

Developing HR policies

The process is easy!


Identify the need for a new policy

Each company should aim to detect specific requirements and start creating policies for those needs by also taking into consideration their business culture.


Define clear roles when developing policies

You will need to decide who to involve in the process and what roles they’ll hold. you can create a cross-functional team, including leadership, HR and other members of staff. 


Determine policy content

The content can only be produced once there is a clear blueprint of what you want to achieve by devising this policy. Together you can decide what the objective is for each policy.

You ask, we answer

To present a clear picture of the policies and procedures, let’s have a look at some FAQs related to the subject

The basic HR policies for any organization includes:

  1. Employment contract
  2. Anti-Sexual harrasment policy
  3. Employee wages
  4. Code of Conduct
  5. Leave policy
  6. Employee termination/separation policy

There are many more policies that are necessary for every organization to have as mentioned in the page above.

Here are a few tips to keep in mind while writing a policy template:

  1. Write in a simple language- policies should be crisp and simple. It should not consist of confusing, fancy words which people might not even be aware of.
  2. Cover every aspect of the policy- any possibilities, any ways of prevention, etc.
  3. It should be accurate and compliant.
  4. Have clarity about the roles of the employees in the stated concern.
  1. Maintain transparency within the organization.
  2. Encourage clear communication around the policies.
  3. Build a common goal for the organization and its employees.
  4. Communicate the reason and importance behind these policies.

Here are a few factors to consider before drafting a new HR policy within your organization:

  1. All the legal regulations and formalities around the concern.
  2. Diversity within the workplace.
  3. Who is this policy for?

Need some help developing HR policies to your needs?
