In a recent survey, we found that 65% of people thought helpdesks reduced workplace productivity, consequently threatening company revenue. The survey results
MoreWith the advent of Generative AI, the world of technology is zooming ahead at a breakneck speed. The tools like ChatGPT, Midjourney,
MoreAt 6:00 PM do you wonder and ask “where did the time go?” Yeah, me too. Between the daily hustle, have you
MoreBuilding your own Google at workspace
1 year ago
Picture this: To develop a product roadmap, you need a list of customers who churned between October and December 2023. You first
MoreAbout Belkins: Belkins is a B2B lead generation agency but not a typical one. It’s a place where partnerships are nurtured, and
MoreAbout The Shape of Work Community: Priya is heading the TSOW community which is one of the largest HR communities in India,
MoreAbout The Product Folks: 40,000! In case you are wondering, that’s the size of The Product Folks community(TPF). If you were to